Saturday, April 30, 2011

Prays for Allah's help after seeing abusive book against Islam
When the Founder proclaimed himself as the man commissioned by God, these impious people gibed and jeered at him, and challenged him insolently to show a sign if there was a God Who had sent him. Says the Founder about the book these people had written:
"When the scurrilous book came to my hands I read therein such a grossly abusive language against the Most High God and His Holy Prophet as would lacerate the hearts of the believers and rip open and rend the Muslims' minds. The profane words, it appeared to me, would tear asunder the very heavens. So I shut myself in a room and prostrated before the Great God of the heavens and the earth and prayed most humbly: O my Lord, O my Lord, help Your servant and disgrace Your enemy." (A'inah Kamalat Islam, page 569)
His prayer was answered and the Most High God revealed to him:
"We have seen their wickedness and transgression, because of which a grievous punishment shall come upon their heads. Their women, We shall make them widows, and orphan their children. Their places of residence We shall destroy and demolish, so that they may bear the fruit of their deeds. But We shall not strike them with a single blow, but slowly that they may turn to the t
ruth and become repentant." (ibid., page 569-570)
The Founder conveyed to them the awful message of the All-Powerful God, but they instead of paying heed to his voice, abused him and did not care for nor fear the Divine word of warning. Their hearts, it was obvious, had been hopelessly hardened; and they sank deeper in their wickedness and abomination. The Most Beneficent God then chastened them with want and worry and baneful bereavements that they might incline to Him. But rather than repent and return to the right path, from which they had strayed away, the stubborn people continued to persist in their evil course

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